Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Fiancée

My Fiancée is a unique woman that I met through an online dating service.  I have known 5 couples that are happily married after meeting online, so I had a high level of confidence it would work.  My Fiancée was skeptical, since she is mainland Chinese living in Taiwan, and it is rarely used there.
She is a highly intelligent woman that has a passion for many of the same things as me: travel, good literature, the arts, reading about and discussing world events, food, family and friends.  Did I mention travel?  She is the first woman I have dated that is better traveled than me.  She is a very good mother to two teenage daughters that are both well adjusted, normal, educated girls. 
My Fiancée is very attractive.  I am attracted to dark hair, dark eyed, thin women and have always been partial to Asians. She has a good sense of humor and we can make each other laugh easily.   We talk every day, often twice for a long time.  Rarely do we run out of topics to talk about.  Despite the distance, we have spent a great deal of time together this year in Taiwan, Switzerland, Italy, Canada and the U.S.
She is a very successful scientist working in a specific subset of cell biology.  Her research is used in medical and pharmaceutical applications.  She received her PhD and conducted most of her post-doctoral work at the best universities in the U.S.  As an academic, she prefers research over teaching, and runs an impressive lab at one of the large health research institutes in Taiwan.
I have fallen in love with this woman.
So what do I bring to the relationship?   I hope there is a fair amount; however I believe I bring a calming influence to her life.  She is highly achievement oriented and this causes her to become stressed easily.  She wants to publish papers with greater impact and be published in the highest level journals, have more discoveries and she wants her daughters to be top of their class academically.   She wants to be a tiger mom, but then feels guilty about the balance of time prioritization between her research, helping her daughters study, exercise and relaxation.   I think she can have it all, but she needs my help to see that.
My past employer conducted emotional intelligence testing through a psychologist and I ranked very high for stress tolerance.  The psychologist said my score was as high as he had seen and this was a good attribute for a business leader.  I was initially skeptical of this test when I saw my social responsibility score was slightly below average.  I recycle, give charitable contributions to social causes and have somewhat liberal political views.  But after I thought about it more, I am the man that is trying to eat as much of the delicious and overfished Chilean Sea Bass as I can, before it goes extinct.  So I do believe in the test scores and know that my stress management skills will be a highly positive attribute for our marriage.
I am confident that I am right for her and absolutely know that she is right for me.

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