Monday, October 17, 2011

My First Day of Retirement

Today is the first day of my retirement.  I decided to retire in April 2011 and almost six months later, it came true.  I am only 54 years old, so retirement is typically something a person in my position wouldn't consider.  I have worked full time for 37 years, without even a one week break.  I have worked for 28 years at my last employer, and decided to retire from my executive position.  Financial planners would look at my situation and tell me to work another 8 years.  So why retire now?

The reasons for retirement are many and I won't discuss all of them.  Essentially I have come to appreciate that life can be short and I need to enjoy every moment of my life, as if I won't be able to much longer.  Don't misunderstand, I fully expect to live a long and healthy life, however I have chosen to live with a sense of immediacy and urgency.  My late wife of 28 years died three years ago, following a courageous three year battle with cancer.  Watching her fight to witness one more event, cherish another travel adventure and live one more day enjoying nature in our backyard, made me realize that a healthy person should live the same way.  I could not wait eight more years to retire.

Since my late wife passed away, I have traveled often.  I traveled often before she died, however the frequency of travel increased tremendously.  In the last two years, I traveled to the Dominican Republic, Germany, England, Dublin, Rome, Montreal and many other locations within the U.S. and abroad, by myself.  I don't mind traveling by myself, in fact there are advantages, however I prefer traveling with people close to me.

I have traveled to Costa Rica with good friends, to Australia to visit another close friend, to Tuscany to stay in a beautiful home in the mountains with more good friends, etc.  I have also enjoyed trips to California, Mexico, D.C., Texas, Nevada, Florida and many other locations in North America to see my family and friends.

Since I met my Fiancee, we have traveled in Asia, Switzerland, Italy, Canada and within the U.S.  Our travel destination list is extensive and we have barely begun.  It is difficult to maintain a busy executive career while attempting to increase an already extensive travel schedule.  I had no alternative but to retire.

After deciding to retire, my girlfriend and I became engaged.  She lives in Taiwan, while I live in the upper midwest of the U.S.  I will describe her more in the future.  The distance is incredible to many, but so close to us.  We both travel often and well, and have seen each other extensively since we first met.  The decision to retire, followed by the decision to remarry, has created the theme of this blog, My Second Life.

The purpose of this blog is to inform my family and friends of my rationale for what I do and keep them abreast of where I am, and what I have done.  I am planning to move to Taiwan to be with my Fiancee full time, very shortly.

I hope you check back occasionally to see what I am up to.


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