Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekend at the Lake

Every year our family gets together for a weekend at my Father and his wife’s home on the lake.  The lake is one of the best in the Midwest.  I am the oldest of five sons and everyone is scattered around the U.S., and occasionally the world.  In addition to my brothers, our children and grandkids come to have fun.  This week is also my Father’s 81st birthday.

The weather was perfect with plenty of sun and low humidity.  Everyone enjoyed the boats and jet ski, and the kids did well fishing.  The food served was excellent, and beer and wine were plentiful.

This is generally the only time all five boys are together.  Historically we struggle to discuss certain subjects, such as politics and it is usually considered off limits.  This weekend the political discussions were actually civil and all of us were impressed.  We did have one minor argument over the passing of a family heirloom to the next generation, though it quickly ended.  I guess this happens in families.

I had a great time seeing everyone again and enjoyed talking with people that have a similar sense of humor.

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