Monday, August 27, 2012

My Grandson's 2nd Birthday

My Grandson celebrated his 2nd birthday this past weekend.  My Son and Daughter-in-law held a small party at their house, with good food and beer served.  My Grandson had incredible energy throughout the afternoon and evening.  He is a typical little boy in love with his toy cars and trucks.  During the party he put down his toys and decided to throw rocks at the windows, shattering one on his first try.

My Son cooked rotisserie chickens which were delicious and served with an incredible tuna salad and a potato salad.  My Daughter-in-law and her sister made an owl themed cake, cupcakes and decorations.

During the cake eating and present opening, we cheered and clapped many times, at my Grandson’s direction.  It was a very fun celebration.

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