Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tommy Thompson is a Piece of Crap

I didn’t start this blog a year ago to push my political views on anyone.  But sometimes you just have to speak up.  For my blog readers that live outside of Wisconsin or in other countries, or are just politically oblivious, Tommy Thompson is the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate running against Democratic U.S. Representative Tammy Baldwin.   Tammy’s politics are liberal and she is an openly gay woman; not that her sexual orientation should matter.  Both are trying to fill the seat vacated by retiring Senator Herb Kohl.  Senator Kohl is respected by many members of both parties as a very decent and charitable man. Maybe a little ineffective, but very decent.

Tommy was elected to four terms as the Governor of Wisconsin and viewed by many, including me at one time, as having been effective. Much of his rein was during the boom time Clinton years, when every Governor looked like an economic genius.  Tommy left to become number 43’s Secretary of Health and Human Services.  Tommy preferred the Department of Transportation and was at odds with GW over his appointment.  Ironically HHS was financially rewarding to Tommy.

Tommy was often quoted or recorded saying amusing or sometimes politically incorrect sound bites. We shrugged those off as part of lovable Tommy.  I met Tommy years ago, which began my shift in opinion.  I invited Tommy to a celebration at our company which included some General Motors’ executives.  It was good publicity for our company and good politics for Tommy.  However, Tommy came across as the most arrogant ass I had met to date.  He was upset that the lineup of GM executives didn’t include the CEO, suggesting our guests were not worthy of his presence.

As a U.S. Senate candidate, Tommy is being criticized for the significant income he has made since his HHS appointment.  Like many ex-politicians, Tommy is politically useful to groups desiring access to his contacts.  Tommy has financial stakes in companies that have benefited by his influence.   It is reported that Tommy’s position on Medicare changes would benefit companies he is involved with.  Regardless of the apparent conflict of interest and self-serving politics, he probably has done nothing illegal.   Give Tommy a break.

It has been reported often that Tommy had numerous extramarital affairs and many viewed that as too much of a political liability for Tommy to consider running for public office again.  I don’t believe Tommy’s sexual habits should be a consideration and in fact he would be considered a hero in France or Italy.  The only person that should have an issue with any of Tommy’s alleged affairs is his wife Sue Ann, who is a very decent person.   Give Tommy a break.

Tommy has refused to make his personal income tax returns public.  Obviously he has made a lot of money and the potential conflicts of interest are already public.  The man has met the financial disclosure obligations for candidates.  Give Tommy a break.

Many conservative people believe a marriage should be between a male and female.  Tommy’s anti-gay positions would suggest that is probably his belief.  Or maybe between a man and a woman and a mistress and …   I don’t agree that a religion based definition of marriage should become a legal/constitutional position, excluding a significant portion of our population from the rights and benefits they deserve.

Tommy’s anti-gay position is well known.  On the Chris Matthews show, Tommy said that employers should be able to fire workers because they are gay.  After someone with greater intellect suggested to Tommy that his comments are offensive and outdated, he attempted to suggest he misunderstood the question.  That is actually possible. He also reiterated his position at a 2008 Republican Presidential debate.  

However, Tommy’s campaign recently decided to attack Tammy Baldwin based on her sexual orientation.  They planned to show Tammy having fun at a Gay Pride Fest rally, suggesting she is unable to speak to “heartland values”.  Tommy hasn’t publically denounced this campaign tactic, implying he agrees.  If only Tammy would have married a man and then had serial affairs.  Tommy would then have to talk about the real differences of policy that mark this election.

Tommy is not fit to represent the 21st century United States.  His publically espoused exclusive views preclude him from representing the populace.  Tommy, if you are reading this, the translation is that a bigot shouldn’t be a Senator.  Stick with your current gig-many of your people are jealous of what you have accomplished, on multiple fronts.

I can only think of two other men that I have as little respect for.  Tommy, you are a piece of crap. You don't deserve a break anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Agree 100%. At his age, he should be lying on a beach somewhere, enjoying his retirement and his bimboes...

    EGO is what stops him.

    God help the people of Wisconsin if he wins.
