Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Control Ammo, Not Guns

I am a longtime advocate of gun control.  While I am a hunter and own rifles and a shotgun, I have no problem with having them registered and undergoing a background check to buy them.  I also see no sporting purpose for handguns and automatic weapons.  When it comes to gun control, I am more liberal than liberals.  The majority of people in the U.S. want gun control now and they want tougher controls than are currently being discussed by the politicians.

Years ago the NRA mailed registered voters their recommendations of candidates.  In my opinion, the NRA is about as anti-American as a political action group can be, with no regard to public safety and the rights of the mainstream public.  When they suggested who I should vote for, I went to the polls and voted for their opposition.

Eventually America will get behind significant gun control, but it will be too late to have an impact on safety.  By many estimates, there are already more than 300 million guns in the U.S., many of them purchased illegally or without background checks.  By the time real gun control finally becomes a reality, there could be almost 1 billion guns in the hands of the crazies.  Doomsday preppers, criminal and gangs, and other gun hoarding people are stockpiling weapons as fast as they can.  Every time there is news about a mass shooting or proposed gun control legislation, a run on guns at the thousands of retail outlets and gun shows takes place. 

The Über right wingers conveniently lean on the 2nd amendment as proof of their right to arms.  The amendment says “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.  The political right argues that “people” refers to individuals, yet most scholars would suggest that “people” was a reference to citizens as group, contrasted to an authoritarian government, king or dictator, which up until the late 18th century was largely the only government known.  The Supreme Court has ruled and we now have a bill of rights that has been changed from the founders’ intentions.  That is very convenient.

Utilizing the same convenient logic, I believe we should outlaw or heavily regulate the sales of ammunition.  This would not infringe on the peoples’ right to bear arms, however it would make it far more difficult to use them.   Sure the preppers and hoarders would stock up on ammo once they hear about a ban.  They are already stocking up.  Ammo is largely consumable and would diminish in supply over time.  Ammo has a shelf life, though it is long.  In most cases, ammo can be reloaded.  Right wingers love to shoot their weapons, presumably for readiness against the everyday citizens infringing on their rights.  Over time, ammo supplies would decline and could create a shooting war between themselves, as they protect their hoards.

Yes, banning ammo sales would solve several problems and may be much easier than real gun control.

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