Monday, September 24, 2012

Koz's Mini-bowl

My Daughter-in-law invited me to join her at a south side Milwaukee restaurant to celebrate my Son’s birthday.  The dinner at the restaurant was wonderful; we used the menu to order a series of small plates and turned it into a tapas place.  The restaurant specializes in fresh Wisconsin ingredients and the only deviation was a Spanish Tempranillo wine we drank.  Afterwards we had a beer at a great beer bar and then met some of their friends at Koz’s Mini-bowl.

Koz’s is a Milwaukee classic, though it was my first time there.  How was it my first time?  I don’t know, but I’m glad to have “found” it after so many years.  Koz’s features duckpin bowling which is a miniature version of the real game.  The lanes are 17 feet in length, the pins proportionally smaller and the balls about the size of a grapefruit, with no holes.  The game is scored the same.  Pins are reset by real people, like the larger game years ago.

Koz’s has been around for almost a century and was rumored to be a speak-easy during prohibition.  Later it was rumored to be a house of prostitution and the four lanes were added to provide the clients an excuse to give their wives.  Whether any of that is true doesn’t matter.  The place hasn’t changed in many years.  The feature beer is Pabst Blue Ribbon, which happened to be the beer of choice in Milwaukee during my early drinking years.  It is nice to see a place dedicate its beer list to this classic.  The only thing reasonably modern is the music play list.

The group we bowled with was fun and good duckpin bowlers.  This group grew up with computerized scoring and automation that kept the game in order.  Only three of us knew how to keep score manually and there was confusion all night as people bowled on the wrong lane and out of order, but that just added to the fun.

A partially stuffed lion keeps guard in the bar.  I say partially stuff, because only the head and upper body have material inside the carcass and the back end hide hangs off of a liquor cabinet.  It provides a strange and creepy look, but doesn’t cause anyone to slow down their consumption of PBR.

My high game was 266 and I now desire to get my name on the Koz’s 300 club poster, so a return visit is in the cards.  I’m glad my Daughter-in-law and Son helped me to "find" Koz’s. Check out the Youtube video below.

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