Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Drug

My wife is part of a scientific team that developed a new type 2 diabetes drug that is targeted for the Asian markets.  This new drug (DPP4 inhibitor) has fewer side effects than drugs currently on the market in the U.S.  In December they received US FDA approval for clinical trials and became the first Taiwanese to receive US FDA approval.  Recently the drug began clinical trials in Taiwan.

My wife led the development effort and writing of the Investigator's Brochure submitted to the FDA.  We spent at least two vacations last year working on this-she wrote and I proof read, so I fully appreciate the work she and the other team members put into this drug development.
A press conference was held in Taipei earlier this year to announce the new drug.  Major television and print media were present, with at least 30 cameras setup in the back of the room.  I joined with my camera, but only to document the event for my wife.  As the only Caucasian in the room, and having a major camera hanging from my neck, many people assumed I was a representative of the foreign press.  I can be seen in one photo near other members of the press.

The drug development has been a source of pride for Taiwan and the institute that my wife works at.  It is also a source of pride for me, knowing my wife’s hard work and commitment continues to contribute towards medical advancements.

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