Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Asians love comics, cartoons and animation of any type.  I noticed over the last couple of years that people spell comics as comix, so at some point, the English language changed on me and I wasn’t consulted.  I have begun looking for a literary agent for a book I wrote, and the agencies list their specialties and genres. Comix are a favorite of agents.  I also notice that a small industry has been created to support “make your own” comics.  Who would have guessed?  As a child I didn’t care for cartoons and read only one or two comic strips.  As an adult, I read Dilbert and watch the Simpsons.  That is the extent of my love for comics and cartoons. Enough about the name change and what I don’t like, and back to Asians love comics, cartoons and animation.

I have always been accustom to small children having cartoon characters on their clothing, toys, back pack, etc. This seems normal to me.  Seeing adults in Asia passionate about cartoons and comics does not seem normal to me.  I guess it is just a cultural difference. A man wearing a Hello Kitty hat looks ridiculous.

Cartoons and animations are used frequently in everyday media.  Advertisements often include cartoon characters.  Business websites love cartoon characters.  Please note a screen print taken from the Fubon Financial Holdings company website.  This is a well-respected financial services company.  To me nothing looks more unprofessional than a business website full of cartoons.  However, I am willing to accept I might be wrong and need to look at it differently. If my U.S. bank website used duck and pig icons to help me transfer money, and maybe threw in a horse laugh sound when I pressed confirm, I might look forward to banking more often.

The Japanese are notorious comic readers and lovers of everything cartoon.  Japanese men read comic book pornography (so I am told) and visit virtual brothels, which feature cartoon women that remove their clothing at your request.  I read this in the Wall Street Journal-really!  I took the picture below in a Japanese book store that featured comic books.  These are not the U.S. style 20 page comic books full of color, but hard bound thick comic books. The store was filled with only men, so I can imagine what was printed.  When I took the flash picture, I received looks as if I caught them doing something wrong.  Nobody ran for the exits, but rather moved on to the next book.

As I try to accept Asian culture and look at things through the eyes of change, I have altered my view on many things.  I have become a huge fan of public transportation, stinky tofu and the musical garbage trucks.  I have not been able to gain an appreciation of comics and cartoons.

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