Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Little Drummer Boy

As a youngster and teenager, I took drum lessons and played in the school band, the orchestra and the civic band.  My favorite drumming was the cadence played in marching band.  Every year we played a drum solo in a judged competition and the best drummers played for a larger audience. My favorite solo was The Little Drummer Boy.

I have a high end electronic drum kit that I use periodically.  My grandson loves to play the kit with me (or without me).  For Christmas, my wife and I gave him a small toddler sized kit.  This is not a toy, but a small scale set equipped with seat and base drum beater.  My grandson loves playing his drums and often starts by clicking his drum sticks together for a 1..2..3..4 count.

Attached are pictures of my Grandson playing my kit with me, his own kit and a link to YouTube to see him in action.


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