Monday, March 11, 2013

Why Does Milwaukee County Tolerate Sheriff David Clarke?

“If jobs were like mental illnesses, the office of sheriff could be said to have multiple personality disorder. On one hand, you're a by-the-book law enforcement officer. On the other, you're a consummate, cunning politician. You're expected to crunch numbers like a slash-and-burn CEO, but turn on the celebrity charm when the TV cameras arrive.”  This was the opening paragraph of a story in Police Magazine’s June 1, 2005 article entitled How To Run For Sheriff, which went on to praise Sheriff Clarke and others.

In the Milwaukee area, Sheriff Clarke is often described as a bully, an egomaniac, a self-serving politician, a fake Democrat, a negatively disruptive force within the community and much more.  He loves the spotlight and seeks opportunities to grab it.  He is forcing the news media to pay attention to him, on an accelerating pace. Soon the late night comedians will pay attention too.

Clarke is well educated and trained, with a resume that suggests he would be highly qualified for the position. He worked for the Milwaukee Police Department for 24 years and was appointed by then Wisconsin Governor McCallum to the position of Sheriff in 2002.  Soon after the appointment, Clarke was elected to the same position, running as a Democrat, and then re-elected in 2006 and 2010, receiving the popular vote of 64%, 73% and 74% respectively.  People love a tough talking lawman…that’s why we watched John Wayne and Clint Eastwood in the movie westerns.

Often lost in the discussion about Clarke was his disastrous run for Milwaukee Mayor in 2004.  This event was not an ego check for him. Often discussed is his fake Democratic Party status.  By all appearances he should be a Republican.  His politics, his hero status and guest appearances on right wing radio shows, his rhetoric all suggest he is not a Democrat.  But face it Milwaukee County is a typical Northern urban county that leans heavily Democratic.  People in this county often vote a straight Democratic ticket, helping assure anyone claiming to be a Democrat would win.  Why Democrats tolerate his affiliation is uncertain to me.

Clarke has an open hate relationship with most anyone in power within Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee.  His ongoing feud with the Milwaukee County Executive is childish and should be embarrassing for him.  He has called the Executive a “puke politician”, a “small man” “an idiot” and recently accused him of having “penis envy”.  He openly lambasted the Milwaukee County DA, The Milwaukee Mayor, the Milwaukee Police Chief and many other officials.  The mainstream political structure within the county cannot work with the man.

Clarke recently gained international fame when he suggested the public arm themselves, because they can’t count on law enforcement to protect them anymore.  At a time our nation is beginning to have genuine debate about real gun control, many of us believe his suggestion to be poorly conceived.  He described gun control as the “second coming of an American revolution”.  This week he sent an apology to a Republican U.S. Senator over testimony from the Milwaukee Police Chief about a proposed assault weapons ban.  He wrote that he was speaking for his “constituents” and called the Chief embarrassing and rude.  Clarke’s behavior is embarrassing and not what you would expect from a stable, clear thinking leader.

Is the man a law enforcement leader or a politician?  Is he an egomaniac and bully or does he have more serious problems?   The mainstream press in Milwaukee has reported the frequent comments by the Sheriff, but has not called him out for his behavior.  Other press sources and blogs have suggested he has significant problems and must be replaced.  The Milwaukee Area Labor Council published an article on March 6 titled A Bad Sheriff Faces a Real Lawman, in reference to the September 14 primary, and the likelihood he may face Milwaukee Police Lt. Chris Moews.  Should Moews run, the county has an authentic choice. 

I have seen egomaniac bullies pretending to be leaders in business.  They get power, refuse to share it and make life miserable for the real leaders around them.  Eventually they crash and burn.   Afterwards people find the courage to say the person was a problem.  Sheriff Clarke looks exactly like those business people I have witnessed and I believe he is nearing his end as Sheriff in Milwaukee County.  Milwaukee County residents and the press need to find the courage to admit their Sheriff is/has problems.

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