Monday, November 12, 2012


We visited Mallorca for several days while recently in Spain.  Mallorca is a small island (name means large island) in the Mediterranean Sea.  It was originally a Roman encampment 2100 years ago, where olives, almonds and wine grapes were cultivated.  The island is home to the rich and famous of Europe, including Rafael Nadal, Catherine Zeta Jones and her famous husband, and many others.   Many of the famous Spanish artists spent time on the island gaining inspiration.  Musicians also sought inspiration; Chopin’s greatest work was created while living there.

We stayed in Palma, which is a typical old Roman city and is beautiful.  Ancient walls and old churches are everywhere, as are the narrow streets common to old European cities.  The yacht harbor is one of the best on the Mediterranean-Monaco’s port is better, but not by much.  We hiked to the top of a mountain on our last day to see a round castle.  The castle was visible from our hotel window and once we were on top of the mountain, the views of the port and city below were wonderful.

The island has been occupied by many cultures over time, including Romans, African Moors, Byzantines, the crown of Aragon, Catalans and more.  The food reflects the cultural diversity. An ancient olive tree in the city center symbolizes the importance of olives to local cuisine and trade.

While walking through the old city one day, we came across a group of roaming musicians parading down the streets and squares.  We followed them for a while, and watched as they entered stores to entertain the tourist.  Mallorca is a popular spot for Germans, and many of the locals speak the language.  Germany jokingly calls Mallorca their 17th state.

The food and wine were fantastic and I’m glad we took the time to visit for several days.

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